Just Go

Happy Sunday!

So, the nice thing I’m realizing, about no upcoming races, is I can just run. Whatever duration. Whatever distance. I can just go. It’s kinda nice. It’s more like it used to be, before I ever did any race. The difference is, I can run longer and farther, than I used to.

We had some friends visiting from Arizona, whom we met up with last night. Since we weren’t exactly sure of the plans, the boys spent the night at Oma’s house. They always enjoy that! What that also meant…I got in a kid-free run this morning! I wanted to shoot for 10, but by the time I started, I figured 8 was probably better. (Oma has plans too, you know.) I did throw in hills though. For fun?

I wouldn’t say it felt great, but it didn’t feel horrible either. I dunno, do hills ever feel great? The weird thing…what seemed to bother me most, was my shoulder? Sounds lame, but my water bottle felt like a weight! I had to keep switching hands and continuously shake my arms out. Oh well.

The other bummer…I forgot to start my Charity Miles app. Of course, I remembered…after I finished. All those miles. Next time.

The cool thing…running early, meant I had the rest of the day to play! Beach day!! Oftentimes, I have to wait ’til nap time, for my long Sunday runs. It’s hard sometimes, to stay motivated as the day goes on, but you gotta do, what you gotta do. I like to think it helps.

What a concept!
Sunday Run-day…Sunday Fun-day!!

What do you think? Are you motivated to run, (or, fill in the blank), just because, or do you need something to train for?


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